My kiddos

My kiddos

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Emma's prayer

Last night we ordered delivery pizza for dinner. We put the pizzas on the table and sat down to eat. Dave asked Emma to pray and she bowed her head. "Dear Lord, thank you for this day, and please help us to get full on pizza because apparently thats all we're having. Amen."


The other day Emma, Ben and I were hanging out on the trampoline looking for cloud shapes. Here's the conversation that left me with a headache :)

Me: That one looks like a frog..

Ben: No, it kinda looks like a Obaly..

Me: What's an Obaly?

Ben: You know, a supersnap. Thats what it is.

Me: Hmmm..I don't know what a supersnap is either.

Ben: Mom, it's like one of those Goma Dinosaurs..a supersnap!

Me: Ok, i think I'm in the twilight zone right now...

Ben: You mean where you do flips?

Emma: No Ben, the twilight zone is where you dance by the light of the moon!

Me: Ummm..i don't know what we're talking about anymore..mommy needs some tylenol :)

She's on the loose!

Crime scene: Bathroom....Crime: Legos in the toilet... Witness: Emma Hughes... Suspect Description: white bald female, 2' 4", 19lbs, speaks giberish...Weapons: lots of drool and a stinky diaper....WARNING: she will decieve you with those awesome smiles..BEWARE!