My kiddos

My kiddos

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crazy kids

This is Benjamin's sunscreen mohawk :-) His hair is starting to get pretty long, but it is so blond that you can't really tell until you gel it up! He loves to be outside any time of day, and loves to try and do anything that big sis is doing. We're in that crazy loud stage with him where he is trying to talk to us, but doesn't know the words yet so he just screams....and screams... and yells :-) But he's so cute we can't stay mad for long. He can say a few words, though...he says Emma (that was his first word), dada, bye-bye, hi, doggy (or dooddy)...notice that mama is missing :-)!! i won't hold it against him. anyway, he's growing up fast,. and loving the sunny weather!

Emma could stay in the water ALL DAY... she is getting a nice tan from all the sun, and she is cracking us up with how grown-up she's getting. She is SO excited for the Olympics, i think she's really going to be interested in lots of sports. And yes, her new favorite show right now is American Gladiators, so funny. Usually we only let her watch movies or the kid channels, but she LOVES to watch the contestants climb the rock walls, swim under water, go down zip lines and run the "eliminator".......
My mom was up for a few days last week, and one night we were driving back to our house when all the sudden from the backseat Emma said, "Shhh..I'm getting a call back here"... she was pretending to have a phone in her hand and started talking on it. she said, "uh, huh, this is Emma, yes, Oh, hold on a second, I can't hear you. Ok, I'm putting you on speakerphone, is that better?" Oh, my we were cracking up!


  1. What little characters you have!! I'm loving Benny's mowhawk! Gracie is in swim mode too, i think she could swim everyday and never tire of it! Emma cracks me up, what a personality. I'm excited for the Olympics too!

  2. Hey! Great pics! They crack me up! I am bummed we missed them when we stopped by. We love you guys!


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