My kiddos

My kiddos

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vacation bible School

Well, we just finished our big week of VBS at our church, and we all had a great time. Emma got to bring her best friend Presley (also our next door neighbor) every day, so they had lots of fun. I led the Kindergarten class, and wow, they wore me out :-) They were lots of fun, though, and kept me laughing the whole time. I took a bunch of pictures, but the last day I accidentally deleted them all on my camera, so I was left with like 4 pictures :-) It was a great week, though, and my mom was able to come stay with us for a few days and help out with Benny and keep me sane :-) Dave had a few night shifts so our schedules were all off... So, here's a couple random pictures of my class, maybe I'll be able to steal a few from my friend Lisa (hi lisa!)...she was with the preschoolers and maybe she got a picture of Emma doing her thing....

1 comment:

  1. ugh -- i'm worn out too! but had a blast with the wee little ones all week at vbs! i got a ton of pics that i posted, was limited to our butterfly group mostly, but will send you link to last years pics where i got a ton of emma!!!! :) you might check with pastor connie??? love you friend, lisa


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