My kiddos

My kiddos

Friday, November 2, 2007

Disney on Ice-Princess Wishes!

Wow, the night finally came, and Emma was so excited...she had been waiting for this for almost 2 months. I don't think she had any idea what to expect, and she loved it! When it first started, we weren't to sure if she liked it or not. She sat staring at the ice with huge eyes and never said a word. The other little girls were screaming and waving at the princesses, but Emma just sat still and soaked it all in (she is SO much like her daddy!). At the intermission, Dave took her to the bathroom, and he said she just started talking a mile a minute about the princesses. She told him, "Daddy, we better hurry up because we don't want to miss the next princess!" Her favorite part was the Seven Dwarfs and Little Mermaid, and of course, when Cinderella's carraige comes on the ice! It was a fun night with Emma and Dave (thanks Auntie Alicia for watchie Benny)! We were only able to take a couple pictures because of the camera policy for the show, but here they are!
Before the show started!

She loves cotton candy!

The grand finale with Cinderella's carraige!


  1. Oh, how fun...i wish we could have come along. What a special night for the three of you. I bet she will be talking about that night for quite a while.

  2. Wow! What a night! I'm sure it was a dream come true for Emma!


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