My kiddos

My kiddos

Friday, November 13, 2009


In the midst of hunting season and everyone being so sick, we've been trying to get some projects done around the house... we realized that in less than a month we'll have another little PERSON living here :) We reorganized Emma and Ben's room, and Dave built Ben a new train table! He loves it (well, both of them do)... He did a great job, and Benjamin has been playing with it nonstop for two weeks now :) He keeps telling Dave, "Dad, this table is so so cool"...
Also, we started painting the baby's room...

Child Labor.... he wanted to help paint the room :)

.....and he did a really good job! Dave's excited for the day he can give Ben more chores to do!

The train table (also used for blocks, cars, climbing on, pretty much anything he can think of ..

Here it is with a track built on top!

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