My kiddos

My kiddos

Friday, October 21, 2011

Craft day at the Hughes house!

Today we had a fun family craft day after Emma got home from school. The last couple weeks we have had some ideas in mind of what to try, but just hadn't had time...until today. Now, my wonderful hubby is very creative, and usually keeps himself busy building stuff in his spare time. Me on the other hand, not so much. But I am TRYING, and thats what counts, right??
 The first thing Ben and I tackled was a pumpkin lighting kit he rescued from a garage sale box 4 months ago. He's been guarding this thing with his life and has been SO patient waiting to use it! I think he did an awesome job, and in the dark this thing lights up big time!
The next thing we have been wanting to try for soooo long is making Cake Pops! Of course, we don't have the cool cake pop pan from the super cool infomercial, but that didn't stop Dave and the kids. They made em from scratch, and they turned out very cool....

The girls very serious about decorating. Well, Emma is serious about decorating..Kate is serious about can almost see the drool....

Ben's masterpieces...

Here they are! And oh so good...Dave made the cake pop stand too...he's such a cool guy! :)

OK, I totally cannot take credit AT ALL for this next project we did. But, I will take credit for actually following through with a project that is crafty! HAHA...  I have been looking for little seats to put in our front room for the kiddos to sit on while playing the Wii. They ALWAYS fight over our computer chair and I can't take it any more! But everything was so expensive. Until I saw this AMAZINGLY SIMPLE idea on Pinterest. You can see the directions and original idea at .
  They are called Crate Seats and were pretty easy to make. We bought some crates and thick foam at the store, and then used fabric and plywood that we already had. The total cost for all the stuff was around $30, so they come out to about $10 a seat. If you already have crates, you could save even more! So, without further ado, here they are!

Oh my word, I love them! Thanks Dave for helping me make em! One HUGE plus about these is that the seats are removable so you can store stuff in them too! I knew they were a success when I peeked around the corner while Dave and I were making dinner and this is what I saw:

So, it's a wrap for today.... But we have more projects in the works, I'll keep you all posted!