My kiddos

My kiddos

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Last week I had the amazing opportunity to escape normal life for a couple days! I drove down and stayed with my mom for two days, i don't think that has happened since I've been married! So fun...Around 11am the first morning, these are the thoughts that ran through my head....

6 things I am grateful for this morning (in no particular order)
1- Taking a shower without a toddler opening the door and throwing polly pockets at me.
2- Sipping my coffee while watching Food Network instead of Candace trying to bust Phineas and Ferb
3- Blow drying my hair AND putting make-up on BEFORE 10am!
4- Eating breakfast without having to wipe any bottoms...
5- Actually realizing I do have brain power when I'm not using it to clean up milk or legos.
6- I'm still in the SAME shirt I put on this morning and it's 11am! No stains at all :)

I absolutely LOVE my kids with ALL my heart, and usually embrace the snotty noses and dirty shirts and PBS kids, but mornings like this are GLORIOUS once in awhile. Thank you Dave for letting me go and get some rest, and thank you mom for letting me crash at your house!