My kiddos

My kiddos

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lost and Found

I broke the news to the kids at 10:30 this morning. I waited until they had a chance to sleep in, catch a couple cartoons, eat breakfast and do some coloring. But then I HAD to tell them. I wasn’t happy about it, but I said the dreaded words- You three have GOT to clean your rooms. The are seriously DISGUSTING. Three smiles turned to frowns, three happy voices were silenced. Sometimes the truth hurts.
“But mom, it’s SATURDAY”, Emma started to say.
“Nope, I don’t want to hear it.” I said. “The fun stuff has to wait till the rooms are clean.”
Dejected, they headed down the hall. I went to clean my room, and 10 minutes later Ben yelled from his room that he was done. I thought it seemed pretty fast, so I went to inspect. Every inch of the floor was clean, the shelves were neat and tidy, and his top bunk was made. I was about ready to fall over in surprise.
Then I looked down at the bottom bunk. Ahhhhhh…it was PACKED high with stuff- LOTS of stuff.
“So, what’s going on with all of this?” I said pointing to the pile.
“Oh”, he said shrugging his shoulders. “That’s my lost and found area.”
“What?” I asked.
“I made a lost and found area so I know where to look if I can’t find something”, he said this as if it was perfectly normal.
“So basically you moved all the stuff from the floor and dressers to the ‘lost and found’ area?” I replied.
“I guess, it’s just easier that way” he said.
Of course it is, what was I thinking??