My kiddos

My kiddos

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easter and Spring break

We had a great time celebrating Easter at my mom's house in Dallas! Such a fun filled weekend with family, remembering the miracle of the empty grave, and of course, an awesome Easter egg hunt... The, we stayed a few more days to take a quick trip to the beach and get some much needed rest. It was a fun spring break!

Nana and the grandkids in their Easter best :)

Jackson, Ben, Austin and Charlie looking very handsome

Bodine ladies!

Emma and Katie picking daffodils for the cross

Hanging out in Depot Bay, Oregon

Me and my man :)

Dave and the kids

Emma loved riding the quad with Dave (and so did Ben and Katie- it was hit for all!)

Ready, set, go! It's a HUGE cousin egg hunt- thanks Uncle Randy for filling SO MANY eggs!
 Hughes fam!