My kiddos

My kiddos

Saturday, May 3, 2008

parenthood is full of suprises :-)....

On the Benjamin front:
So, this kid is a maniac, and keeps Dave and I busy chasing him, and well, mostly cleaning up after him all day.. so, the fun he provided us with this week both has to do with Rosco. He Loves to play with Rosco, follow him around, hit him, and mostly feed him. He feeds Rosco ALL THE TIME... even when he's not supposed to he will sneak away and give him something. The last nice day we had Dave and I were outside and caught him sharing his popcicle with the dog- he'd lick it, then Rosco would lick it... you get the picture :-) Gross... and then....

Ben now knows where we keep the dog treats, and loves to get into the cupboard to get them for Rosco. While I was taking a shower he got into a bag of bones, and by the time I got out the damage was already done. There were bones in both toilets, bones scattered around the bedrooms, in garbage cans and in kitchen cupboards. I guess he was "hiding" them for later use- who knows...all I know is its hard to fish soggy bones out of toilets without getting grossed out- thanks a lot Benny ;-)

On the Emma front:
Emma is really starting to be curious about God/Heaven/Bible stories and things like that. She loves to pray at dinner and tell God stories (as she calls them). So here's a couple tidbits from a kids point of view :-)

A prayer she said a few nights ago at dinner: "God is great, God is good, thank you God for our food, and please help Jesus to be good up there. Amen"

And a "God story" she told me yesterday: "One day there was a big huge storm in the ocean. All the guys were scared. So God gave Jesus big muscles to fix it and save the guys. They were so happy and then Jesus died at Easter to make us feel better. The end" I love it!


  1. That God story about Jesus' muscles was adorable!

  2. Man, you have funny kids!!! :) Never a dull moment! :) Love you guys!


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