My kiddos

My kiddos

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Bewilder: to confuse utterly; puzzle.
    Sometimes I feel like I am in a constant state of bewilderment as a mom. For example, the day after giving birth to Emma, they actually sent us home! What? We're supposed to take care of this baby all by ourselves? You're not sending someone with us? I was confused.
    Or when I change a diaper and think to myself, "What in the world is that? What could you have possibly eaten to create THAT?" Or last month when I was cleaning Ben's room and noticed his box of tissues were gone. That in itself is not a mystery, but the snot wiped down the wall by his bed truly is. Apparently the wall works great if the tissues are gone.
   Or how my car always smells funky when I first get in. Or why on EARTH the kids seem to get in a fight the minute I answer the phone! I just don’t know…
   Two days ago I once again experienced this bewilderment. At 9:15 pm all 3 kids were sound asleep in their OWN beds. At 11pm, Dave and I went to bed in our OWN bed. But at 7:30AM I woke up to, you guessed it, bewilderment. I was on the couch with daughter #1. Daughter #2 was sprawled out across a queen size bed that hubby was clinging to the side of. The boy was halfway on the floor, with 30 more stuffed animals than he went to bed with. The sheets were pulled off of the top bunk, and thrown by the washing machine. I don't remember doing this.
    Just as I start piecing the nights events together, the alarm goes off. There's no time to think. Another day has started and I don't even understand the day before. I need coffee....