My kiddos

My kiddos

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Captain

Here are a few recent stories about Mr. Ben (AKA Captain- as he sometimes dubs himself):

This morning we were calling it close to get to school before the first bell. As I pulled up to the front doors for the drop-off I told Ben (who had never been late before) that if the bell rang before he passed the office, he would need to check in there. “I know what to do mom“, he said confidently as he waved goodbye and followed Emma into school.
Now fast forward until tonight. As I am tucking him into bed I asked “So, did you have to check in at the office this morning?”
He took a big deep breath. “Yes, and it was SO embarrassing. Why have you never practiced my last name with me?” He stared at me. I was at a loss for words.
“So, what did you say when they asked you?”
“I just said what came to my head- I’m Ben David Nicole. They looked at me kinda funny,” he said.
“Sorry buddy, that’s rough,” I told him.
“That’s why we HAVE to practice my last name from now on!” He said with conviction.
“Ok, but I thought we’ve been practicing that for the last 6 years,” I said, “But apparently we need a little more practice”.
“Yep, we do.”

We went to the store to get a few needed groceries, and Ben decided to take what was left of his birthday money with him. He had exactly $4.oo hot in his pocket. As I was scanning the magazine racks, I heard an excited squeal of delight.
“Mom, I found The Green Lantern! They have it here!” He came running over clutching the movie. (He had been searching for this for a few days.)
“Oh, very cool. But how much is it? “ I said giving him THE look.
“Well, it’s $10...But if you buy it for me I PROMISE to pay you back and talk more respectful all the time!”(We’re having a little trouble with this right now). He said all this with 100% sincerity in his voice.
I stood leafing through my magazine, avoiding eye contact while contemplating this major decision. “I’m not sure, I gotta talk to the big guy about this one.,” I finally said while giving a head nod in the direction of Dave.
A few quiet seconds passed and then I looked down at Ben. He was looking up at me wide-eyed. “You mean God?” he asked. “I sure hope He says yes.” Then  he walked away I’m assuming to give me a chance to pray right then and there.
That’s not who I was talking about, but I’m sure glad Ben knows we can talk to God about anything…

As the kids sat down to dinner tonight they were fighting like crazy-about EVERYTHING. I said, “Stop talking to each other! Don’t look at each other, don’t touch each other. Stop making each other mad!”
They sat sulking while Dave and I put the food on the table. Things were going smoothly until it was time to pray. Emma and Ben both asked to pray. Emma went first and said the standard “Thank you God for this food” prayer. I started to feel good, like this might be a good family meal. 
Then Ben bowed his head and said very loudly, “God, I pray that Emma will start being nice to me. Amen.” (insert chaos again).
I’m pretty sure he had that planned the minute I told them to be quiet, but maybe I’m being over dramatic…