My kiddos

My kiddos

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Katie's surgery

   I sat down to type out this post and realized that it was EXACTLY a year ago today that Kate had her first strep throat infection. She was just over a year old and broke out in weird red bumps all over her body. She was miserable. We were trying to get through Emma's birthday party when my mom called (she was watching Kate during the party) and said Katie was getting worse. Dave and I took her to urgent care where we seemed to stump everybody. No one was quite sure what was going on with her. Finally, the ER doctor decided to do a strep test, just to rule it out, and there it was- strep.
  Since that day 1 year ago, she has had 6 strep infections and countless colds and rashes. Been a rough year for all of us. About 2 or 3 months ago she quit sleeping through the night, and was up 2-4 times EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. Not cool...We realized that she was snoring VERY loudly and the ENT Doctor suggested that she was never able to go into a deep sleep because of her tonsils and adenoids. So, they scheduled her for surgery at Doernbecher Children's Hospital to get this taken care of!
  So now, one year later, we are getting ready to celebrate Emma's birthday tommorrow and hopefully this will be a new start for Kate. I can't wait to see how happy she will be once she recovers from the surgery! Here are a few pictures from the hospital...

 She was not allowed to eat or drink after midnight the night before, and she didn't go back for surgery until after 1pm. SO, this combination made for a VERY unhappy little girl. This was the worst part for Dave and I. She was begging us for something to eat and drink all hard! this pic says it all though, she was NOT happy with us :)

She did try and make the best of it though :) I love her....

Can you tell? :) This was right before they gave her the "sleepy" meds so she could head back for surgery

Here she is in the recovery room. So so sleepy and tuckered out..

After she woke up they moved her to her own room and Ben was such a big helper..

Dave stayed the night with her in the hospital (I don't think he slept- AT. ALL.) At about 11 the next day she got to come home! We love you Katie, and hope you start to feel sooo much better!