My kiddos

My kiddos

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mt. Everest

    For the past couple weeks our family has gotten way behind on laundry. Like, seriously behind. I’ll clarify a little for you. We ARE actually washing and drying clothes- I mean, we can’t have people calling us the stinky family, right? The problem is the folding. What’s happened is a strange phenomenon. It started innocently with one clean load dumped in the corner of our bedroom. No harm in that, right? Ha….
   About 20 loads later that little pile is now being referred to as Mt. Everest. At least by the kids and I. Dave just calls it the giant pile. “Hey Nik, I found a matching pair of socks in the giant pile this morning!” He told me this like it was some huge feat (which it was). It’s funny how this mountain of clothes has quickly become a part of our house. We don’t even joke about it anymore, it’s just a fact of life.
   A few days ago Emma yelled from her room, “Mom, where’s my swimsuit?” I yelled right back, “On the right side of Mt. Everest, about half-way down near the wall.” A few seconds later she responded, “Got it. Thanks”.
   This is totally normal right? Yesterday Ben came out to tell me he couldn’t find any underwear. Before I got a chance to answer he said, “Oh, I forgot to look on Mt. Everest.”
Instead of knowing which drawers the clothes are in, I can tell you where in that pile to find them. It’s sad, really. Or maybe not? Maybe we’ve stumbled on a better and more fluent system for doing laundry?
   I think I was snapped back to reality this morning when the kids and I played hide and seek. When one of your kids can successfully win hide and seek by hiding in a pile of laundry, I think it’s time for it to go. Or when your 2 year old comes running up to you with a huge smile on her face and says, “Mommy, I climb Mt. Everest all by myself!” It’s time for it to go.
    So tonight, as I watch the Olympics, Mt. Everest is going away- we’ll miss you big guy, we really will……