Thursday, August 2, 2012
We want a redo, please.
NOT a good day. One of those crazy days where NOTHING seems to go right. Let me explain:
The kids had trashed the house- so we spent all morning cleaning it up. There were tears, there was whining, but we did it. Then, with a shiny clean house, we decided to go swimming. We were turned away upon entering because I apparently have “too many kids” to keep track of safely in the water. All 3 of them. Again, many more tears. We talked about how life is not fair sometimes, and we sadly walked back to our car.
Katie cried the entire way back to Battle Ground because she didn’t understand why we were not enjoying the pool right about now. THEN- I decide to take the kids to Frozen Yogurt to lift our spirits. All was well- for about 10 minutes.
As we pull into the parking lot Ben says he has to pee soooo bad. As I’m getting Katie unbuckled, I tell him to run in and go potty. I’m literally 10 seconds behind him. As I push open the door to the yogurt place, I see him doing the dance. He yells, “Somebody’s in there mom! It’s locked!” All attention is now on us.
“Ok, bud, just wait a minute” I say hurrying towards him. Too late. I see the look of pure relief on his face as a huge pee puddle begins forming underneath him. AWESOME. Right there in the yogurt joint my kid pees on the floor.
I just stood in disbelief. “I’m so sorry mom”, he says as he bends over, lifts his crocs to empty out the pee trapped inside of them. The restroom door opened 20 seconds too late, and the poor lady had to sidestep the puddle on the floor. Ben ran in, grabbed paper towels and I couldn’t stop the tears as I cleaned it up.
We left in complete silence, except for me muttering, “I’m so sorry” over and over again. We climbed back in the car and Emma, now seriously angry, says, “This day is just awful. I want a re-do!” I agree, Emma. Ben, ever the optimist, just said, “Well, after I change lets just go to the other frozen yogurt place, they don’t know about me peeing all over the floor.”